About Us

About Us

About online taxi stands (OTS)

As the name suggests, an online taxi stand embodies a comprehensive digital solution. Functioning as a software platform, it facilitates taxi operators in advertising their services online, simplifying the process for users to discover taxis on the internet. The empowering element of its commission-free business model is tailored to support and uplift our taxi drivers.

Our Vision

Our vision is to consistently innovate for millions of taxi operators in small towns, equipping them with the simplest and most affordable technology to foster self-sufficiency and seamless integration into the expanding digital economy. Through these endeavours, we aim to provide users with a high-quality travel experience.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a simple, user-friendly, high-quality, and dependable online platform for millions of residents in small towns across India. Rather than emphasizing the size of our network, geographical presence in numerous cities, or the sheer volume of available taxis, our goal is to be a hassle-free, secure, interactive, and transparent taxi search platform.